Windows Vista - What should you be looking for?

When buying a new PC you need the right components and Microsoft's newest operating system, Windows Vista, needs special resources. To help you out when buying your PC we've produced this guide.

To get Vista you can either buy a new PC or install it yourself. Getting a new Vista PC needs a lot of thought. First, you should decide what version of Vista you want before even getting to the technicalities. We would strongly recommend not buying Vista Basic - you will miss out on most key features - 3F interface, media capabilities and much more. For most users we would recommend Vista Home Premium which should be enough for most users, as it includes the main features of the operating system.

Processor - Here we would recommend no less than a Core Two Duo, that is not a Dual Core such as Pentium D - it must be a Core Two Duo. This processor is available for a reasonable price too.

Memory (RAM) - Do not buy any less than 1GB of ram, anything with 512MB is not suitable for Vista. Vista requires a minimum of 1GB but at least 2GB is recommended to get things up to speed.

More about the other components next week.


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