iPhone 4G features and what might be coming next...

The next iPhone (the 4G) could be announced at any time and as the new general announcement cycle is January 2010, we could well see it then. What could be coming? A totally revamped home screen with weather and location based information (as applied for by an Apple patent), Flash finally, better battery life, a 5MP stills camera, a HD screen, radio/FM tuner. These are all relatively reasonable assumptions, except perhaps the HD screen.

The new Apple tablet may be released possibly to replace the Apple TV which seems to be phasing out. If the tablet could sync it could be your morning newspaper, your TV screen, have your podcasts ready when you wake up - all in a perfect 10" screen.

iTunes may also be finally opening to a subscription model meaning all-you-can-eat music, sort of what the Zune pass does. This wouldn't be unreasonable considering the whole iTune store has just been redesigned and a new version of the program has been released.

Perhaps the Apple TV and Mac Mini may be getting long overdue overhalls. The iPod touch could also do with a video/stills camera and the iMacs are reaching the end of their usual 8 month life-cycle.

If all of this were to happen in one big announcement in January, Apple would steals the spotlight for months. It would also be the perfect time to boast about how well SNow Leopard is doing sales-wise and how many new bugs are likely to have been found in Windows 7 in just three months.

Which of these are likely to happen in January? iPhone refresh, lower Mac prices across the board and news about the Mac Mini or Apple TV. The Apple Tablet may be announced in January but whether it will available then is anyone's guess but Steve's and of course all those Apple employees who can't say a word.


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