How 2010 will be Apple's most profitable year ever.

With cheaper iMacs, Mac Minis, MacBooks and AppleTVs rumoured to be coming soon and a cheap Apple Tablet in 2010 it seems that next year could be very successful. In fact, over the past few weeks it has been revealed that Apple was the fourth biggest selling PC maker in the US. How will their sales increase? Read on:

1. Cheaper Macs - the white plastic MacBook currently retails $999 (£749) for a similar price you can get two netbooks or a Dell Studio Laptop with a 15" screen for around $700, compared to the MacBook 13" screen and with 4GB of RAM and 250GB hard drive, compared with the 2GB and 160GB of the MacBook. At it's current price point the MacBook is ridiculously expensive. The MacBook should soon get a price cut to $799 or $849 and get better specs and then MacBooks will sell out fast. The iMacs and the Mac Mini are also expected to get a price cut and raised specs meaning buying a Mac will become even more accessible to all.

2. New Products - The tablet, rumoured to retail for $800 and be available in February will send sales through the roof and as manufacturing costs go down the profits increase.

3. iPhone available on more carriers - Canada will be getting an iPhone which is not exclusive to any network and the UK will also have 3 operators selling the iPhone - more operators means greater sales. A price drop of the phone out of contract would also increase sales as would yet another version of the phone - possibly the iPhone 4G?

4. iPod Touch with camera - this is expected to be announced in January or at some point next year - the manufacturing cost for the iPods has gone down ridiculously as parts become cheaper - adding a camera will boost sales and make the Touch even more attractive.

With all the following combined, essentially meaning more sales at lower price points with a new product Apple is ready to make a massive amount of money and will increase it's market share from it's current 10% to over 15% within a year. Let's just hope Apple can keep up with all the demand and that despite all these users, Macs remain virus free.

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