Working at Disneyland Paris - Day 1 - Arrival - 16th December 2011

An early start to the day saw me going to St. Pancras station and getting on the direct Eurostar service to Disneyland Paris. I planned to meet Eilidh (pronounced Ay-lee or Hailey without the H), a girl I met on photomagique's forum, there. Through security and I sent a text, turned out she was already there. We met and started talking, a little while later we got on the train only a carriage apart. When the train had crossed into France we met up in the buffet carriage and talked for about an hour and after that about 20 minutes later we were at Marne-la-vallee!

Once there we got the RER to Val d'Europe which was just a couple of minutes. This should now have been the simple part - getting to the Fantasia building / Batiment Fantasia - since I had studied the map and had seen it on Google maps. Unfortunately we went out the wrong exit at the station and ended up spending 15-20 extra minutes getting to the building but we eventually got there.

After about 3 hours of filling in forms, queueing and queuing and queueing we finally were taken to our residence - La Boisserie - by coach. This residence is much nicer and closer than the other one The Pleaides. There I got my keys and met most of my flatmates - Stefano (Italian, lives in London, same name as my brother, different spelling), Alwyn (from Oxford), Jamie (from Southend) and two guys who have been referred to as the Polish guys.

Most of us went out for a meal with a flat across the road which mainly consisted of British people too but with some other nationalities as well. We went to Billy Bob's in Disney Village - without entry into the parks or Cast Member discount we weren't willing to spend too much and the total bill was about 12 euros. I'm the first guy from the left.

After that we walked through the village and it was the end of a long day. Unfortunately for me I only slept for 2 hours that night because of a very uncomfortable pillow and probably the strange feeling of sleeping with someone else in the same room.

Traditions tomorrow.

Day 2

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