Walt Disney World ICP - Day 49 - Work hard, play hard - 21st July 2013

The morning started off with a visit to the Patterson gym where I encountered a big black snake both ways to and from Patterson which was unnerving.

After a shower, I visited Mickey's Retreat which is a private area reserved only for Cast Members and their guests - it has barbecue areas, volleyball courts, a swimming pool and boat rentals. Along with me was Argentina and Marly, both from Philharmagic. We rented a paddle boat and moved around the lake in the scorching sun for about an hour to relax before work, we also played a few games of swing-ball which is different to in the UK. Back home you have a tennis-ball attached to string, here you have a huge football. Admittedly I wasn't great at this. Marly however was a pro.

Mickey's Retreat as seen from across the lake on our paddle boat.

Work was uneventful apart from one of the stories from Peter Pan-side. I will warn you now, if you have a weak disposition please skip to the next paragraph. A guest - a grown woman - relieved herself in the queue line for Peter Pan. To make it worse lets just say it wasn't a code yellow, but a code brown. No more needs to be said does it. Absolutely disgusting, but at the same time it was hilarious when I heard the story.

Most of the Philhar crew and a few from Pan/Small World had a bit of a social as we all went out to Steak n Shake after work for lunch. Bear in mind that I finished work at 1:15am because it was Extra Magic Hours. It took a bus ride and two car trips to get there. We ended up getting there at around 3:00am - because the service was so slow it took almost an hour to be seated and we only left at 5am!! Many of us had planned to go to EPCOT tomorrow and plans were looking sketchy but I and Oriol (works at Philharmagic) asserted that it was wise to get up early for EPCOT anyway. So, we planned to meet at the bus stop at 8:30am for the 8:33am bus to EPCOT.

Steak n Shake at 3am!

I ended up going to sleep at 5:30am with an alarm set for 7:45am. It was going to be a looooong day in EPCOT tomorrow.

Next Post: Walt Disney World ICP - Day 50 - Team Philhar! - 22nd July 2013

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