Walt Disney World ICP - Day 56 - The final stretch... - 28th July 2013

Today was my day of realisation that this whole is experience will very soon be coming to an end as I got my work schedule for my final work week today. To give you an idea of how action packed my next few weeks are I'm going to give you a run down. Bear in mind that today is day 5 of 9 of work in a row as well. This will also give you a sneak preview at some of the post topics that will be coming over the next few days and weeks.

Mon 29th July - Buffet lunch with fantasyland crew, then Magic Kingdom then work from 17:15-23:45
Tues 30th July - SeaWorld in the morning hopefully! Then work 17:30-23:45
Wed 31st July - Disney Graduation ceremony! Then Work 16:30-23:30
Thurs 1st Aug - 11:00 to 23:45 shift. Trying to give this away as my family arrive in the evening
Fri 2nd Aug - Day Off - Spent with family in Magic Kingdom
Sat 3rd Aug - Day Off - Spent with family in EPCOT
Sun 4th Aug - Morning at Hollywood Studios with family. Work 16:00 - 02:45
Mon 5th Aug - Work 11:00 to 23:45
Tues 6th Aug - Work 11:45 to 00:45
Wed 7th Aug - Work 18:15 to 00:45
Thurs 8th Aug - Day Off spent with family
Fri 9th Aug - Day Off spent with family. End of program.

The shifts in bold are during my last week and as you can see they are horrific. One of them is little more than 8 hours away from the other and I need to allow 2 hours to get each way to and from work.

As you can see the next 12 days are going to be action packed and I'll be running on almost zero sleep. Anyway...that's next week, a quick update on what happened today now:

My morning was fairly boring I had to do my laundry and then caught the bus to work. Whilst on the bus I was facebook-ing Oriol as the idea of going to Seaworld on Tuesday before work popped into my head and it looks like it's going to happen. I was going to check the prices at Company D (cast member store) for SeaWorld tickets as we can get discounts but unfortunately it was closed on weekends.

There were a couple of moments to note today: At the end of Philharmagic there is an animatronic Donald Duck halfway through the wall and he falls through into a cloud of smoke. After the show ended a dad came up to me and asked me to reassure his little daughter that Donald would be OK and that he'd be in the next show as she was feeling sorry for him. It was cute and I got to make a little bit of magic and told her to come back again and she'd see that he'd be fine.

Gore warning: The other thing of note was that when I was greeting at the carousel I felt an itch on my leg - I looked down and found a cockroach climbing up my sock onto my leg and shaking my leg wasn't getting rid of it. Quick secret: those fastpass machines are full of roaches underneath...I see them come out and they are huge. The bins aren't much better. This also explains the bites on my leg that I had the other day. Horrible.

Finally, I mentioned earlier that today was day 5 of 9 in a row and surprisingly I don't feel extremely tired so I'm going to take that as a plus! Looking at that schedule though - ask me how I feel in 12 days time!

Quick note: to illustrate how crazy life is here on the college program note that I haven't even seen some of my housemates in over a week.

Next Post: Walt Disney World ICP - Day 57 - The Philhar crew is back - 29th July 2013

NEW: Want a peek behind the scenes working for Disney? Download my book about 16 months spent living and working at Disneyland Paris now on Amazon.


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