Celebration, Florida - Photo Trip Report

One day in Summer 2013 I took a day off work at Walt Disney World to go and explore the small town of Celebration in Florida. The town was developed in association by The Walt Disney Company  with the aim of being something almost akin to the EPCOT Walt Disney wanted to created - a perfect looking community where things were up to scratch so much they could have the Disney label on them.

My friend Adrienne had a car so drove me and Courtney to Celebration to see what all the fuss was about.

The town was only developed in the 90s and so has drawn much of its inspiration from the theme parks.

The houses were big and glamorous...

The place does, however, have an almost "Truman show" quality to it where everything is too perfect and starts to look fake.

The extent Disney went to creating a perfect looking place is felt.

According to Wikipedia: "Homes and condominiums are constructed along streets, with garages and garbage pickup done in narrow but paved alleyways behind the homes, keeping the look of home fronts and sidewalks pristine. Utility service is underground."

Only about 7000 people live in the small town of Celebration.

There are numerous pathways and walkways as the town is designed to all be walkable, or cyclable.

A stunning lake.

Celebration really is a beautiful place.

This traditional mailbox was cute.

As are the street signs.

Even the benches have inscribed with the town's name.

This area looked heavily inspired by a Disney park.

A handy flag just in case I ever forgot what country I was in.

A random British phone box...because, why not?

And then there was the equivalent of Magic Kingdom's Main Street USA, called "Market Street"...

This ice cream parlour looked to me to be inspired by Disney's Hollywood Studios.

Gardens galore...

There were even quaint little cars...

This looks like something off Disney's Boardwalk area of Walt Disney World.

The Industrial area of Celebration.

And a final bit of house hunting before we leave...

This house had an outhouse...which had a garage.


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