50 Books in 2014 Challenge

50 Books in 2014 Challenge

Reading is one of the best ways of broadening your horizons and this year I've set myself a challenge - to read 50 books by the end of the year. Simple, right?

I'm not going to say these are all going to be literary marvels, and that I'll be reading the like of Jane Eyre or 1984 weekly, but i'll try and put those into the mix. Most of these will be kindle books and I'm going to try and read as many free novels as possible. And I'm hugely interested in both technology and travel so expect to find quite a few books related to that too.

The challenge is a tough one, what with having to work on my final year project at University and the other two modules, my role as associate editor of Leeds Student Newspaper and working in the union every week it will be a case of needing to make time in order to read about a book a week. Plus, I only decided that I'd be doing this last week so I'm already about 6 weeks, or six books if you want, behind schedule - and book lengths can vary greatly.

My progress so far:
1. Universal Orlando: The Unofficial Story - (300 pages) - Finished on 17th Feb 2014 - 4.5/5 stars
2. Backpacked: A Reluctant Trip Across Central America (278 pages) - Finished on 23rd Feb 2014 - 4.5/5 stars
3. All the World's a Disney Stage: Performing for the House of Mouse (110 pages) - Finished on 29th March 2014 - 3.5/5 stars
6. How to Make Money Publishing Community News Online (202 pages) - Finished on 14th April 2014 - 3/5 stars
7. Mousecatraz: The Disney College Program (254 pages) - Finished on 16th April 2014 - 3/5 stars
8. Speedbumps and Potholes: Looking for Signs of God in the Everyday (128 pages) - Finished on 5th May 2014 - 5/5 stars
9. Currently reading: The Three (467 pages) - On page 64 out of 467.
Next: Life Of Pi (449 pages)
Next: Snatched (355 pages)
Next: Nineteen Eighty-Four (340 pages)
Next: The Lost Symbol (658 pages) 
Next: Animal Farm (154 pages)
Next: Sense and Sensibility (336 pages)
Next: East of Eden (620 pages)
Next: No Country for Old Men (322 pages)
Next: Cloud Atlas (545 pages)

The Grapes of Wrath (Steinbeck "Essentials") (468 pages) - In progress (26%) - Given up.

Books read so far in 2014: 8. 
Book pages read so far in 2014: 1691.

Last updated: 5th May 2014.
Photo: The Guardian.


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