Getting a job in the UK - at 18 years old

So, today I want to talk to you about getting a job in the UK at the age of 18 - more specifically in London. It is nigh on impossible. And it's not just me, I know, because A LOT of people I know are having issues in getting a job. So, what seems to be the issue - experience and over-qualification.

Stores I have applied for include: Next, Disney Store, Apple Store, Stormfront, Primark, Currys, PC World, Asda, Tesco, summer camps and Disneyland Paris. Sainsburys never have any job offers availble online when I check.

What worries me is the sheer rudeness of most of these companies: Next didn't take me to interview and based what I knew on a questionnaire, the Disney Store did not reply to my CV even with a rejection -I called them and they said they would look through the applications as they hadn't had a chance, they enver repled. The Apple Store took me to interview which is fair enough (there's a post on this blog about that interview) and said they'd get back to me - no reply. Stormfront, an apple reseller, no reply. Primark said I don't have enough retail experience - to work at PRIMARK!! Currys and PC World said they need experience. Asda just flat out rejects me - twice. Tesco, no answer and apparently no jobs in store - it's all do online now. And no answer from Disneyland Paris.

Most of those companies pride themselves on customer service, big names - Apple, Disney, Disneyland Paris for example. They obviously don't care about their (possible) employees.

Another thing - how can you possibly evaluate someone's future performance from a questionnaire? At least take them to interview.

How much experience do you need to work at Primark or Tesco or Asda? Tesco says none (as is obvious by some of their staff).  Primark's employees are all 18 or under from what I see so I'd love to know how these people have experience. Asda say I pass their questionnaire but deny me at the next stage - what stage is this I ask?

And onto experience - I have none, apart from working in Year 10's work experience - in a nursery which is irrelevant. So no work experience = no job, and no job = no work experience. I'm looking more and more into being self-employed. When I go to uni next year I'll need to find some sort of regular income and retail work is what I'd LOVE to do. I would give it my 100% effort, smiling, serving customers, everything. Obviously they aren't interested. I'll devote my time to charity in order to get experience next year if no-one else accepts me.

Part 2.

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