Working at Disneyland Paris - Day 15 (30th Dec) - Guess who's 19 today?

So I woke up and got up at 9.30am - yet another lie-in. I opened up my birthday cards and offered the money I got to my family if they wanted to go into the parks today. They didn't want to which was fine with me. I had to delay, and then cancel, my morning with Andrew in the parks as lunch took a while to be ready and then we sat round singing Happy Birthday and eating the lovely chocolate cake we'd bought.

I went to get a suitcase of luggage from my room at La Boisserie and gave that to my parents in the hope that everything left would now easily fit in my suitcase when I leave, we'll see about that...

Next I went to meet Eilidh and we went to watch Once Upon a Dream after getting a Space Mountain Fastpass. After the parade I realised I'd forgotten to text Lisette and Marine, my two workmates, whom I was meant to meet at 17H00 at Imagination. I texted them to say I'd meet them outside ToT with Eilidh at 17H45.

We all went over to RnRollercoaster and the queue was quite long but the girls had found out that as Cast Members if we ask very nicely and show our IDs they will let us through the fastpass entrance on most attractions! The ride was brilliant and it had music this time - I actually cried on this rollercoaster because Lisette was already screaming before it even started and screamed all the way round. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen. We got the front two rows and Lisette went for the second with Eilidh, so me and Marine got the front row - I've been on it three times and twice in the front room. Brilliant on a launch coaster!

As it was so so hilarious I had to get the photo which is a brilliant memory - once again 11.25 euros with Cast Member discount instead of 15 euros.

Me and Lisette decided not to do the Tower of Terror and instead we went on the very adventurous Tapis Volants [see hadn't been on this one in 8 years that's my excuse], it was raining cats and dogs so that was one fun ride! After we were thoroughly soaked we looked around for other things to do and there weren't really many things to do that Lisette wanted to do or weren't closed or going to keep us from being completely soaked in the Studios. Just noticed how few attractions there are there.

We went to the Monster's Inc corner and I got a photo with Mike next. We went through the shop(s) in Studio 1 and then met the two others and went to Imaginations. Lisette then left as she had to be up early tomorrow. We exchanged Twitters and Facebooks before Lisette left.

Me, Eilidh and Marine went onto Space Mountain (woop! 2nd time this trip) which was brilliant as usual. Then we went and watched Fantillusion and the music cut out about 10 seconds in :O Bad show! Then when the floats came the music became fine: me and Eilidh of course had lots of fun waving at the characters and doing the characters' dance along with the music - the whole 3 steps of it haha.

After that we used the Fastpass trick to get onto Peter Pan after asking very nicely. Thanks guy in the green costume, Dorianne was on greeter so we were very quickly loaded as she is brilliant at getting people on quickly.

After that it was a quick trip on Dumbo which had a lot more lateral G-Force than I thought it did, but I think I'd never done it before so that's another ride ticked off. After that it was Lancelot's Carousel which was fun as I hadn't been a Carousel since I first went to Disneyland back in 2003. Then we walked out of the park through Imaginations and I said "a demain" to Marine.

Had my birthday party tonight which was loads of fun. Technically, it actually started the day after as it was after midnight before else everyone got back.  Francesca made me a nice cake and surprised me with it when I totally wasn't expecting it! Loads of fun was had sitting around chatting, listening to music and drinking, but the room is such a disgrace now haha. Oh well. Work tomorrow!

Read Day 16.

NEW: Want the inside scoop? Download my book about my 16 months spent living and working at Disneyland Paris now on Amazon.

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