Walt Disney World ICP - Day 36 to 38 - “it’s a small world after all!” - 8th-10th July 2013

Walt Disney World ICP - Day 36 - “30 minutes for Philharmagic?!” - 8th July 2013
Today was the longest shift I have ever worked. Not just at Disney, but ever. It was 12h15m from 11:00 to 23:15. Surprisingly the shift actually flew by and felt faster than some of my 6 hour shifts - I think when you have such a long shift you’re afraid to check your watch and just power through. I felt delirious for the last couple of hours though.

Photo: GrumpyMickey.com / Copyright (C) Disney

The park was surprisingly busy today and I was surprised that they didn’t extend park hours - Philharmagic had a 30 minute wait! We had lots of tour groups today and shows were full for most of the day.

My favourite position, Fastpass distribution was mental as all the machines kept eating people’s cards at the same time and then I’d have five people all vying for my attention at once. My bus thankfully came on time for the journey home - I didn’t get a seat so just made my own by sitting on a step. Simple.

Walt Disney World ICP - Day 37 - “it’s a small world after all!” - 9th July 2013
Today I started slightly earlier than usual and worked from 16:45 to 23:30. I’ve started to speak to two of the French girls - Myriam and Lydia - only in French so it’s a bit like being at Disneyland Paris all over again, but it’s nice to practice my languages. My basic Spanish definitely gets used a lot while over here. As does my Portuguese occasionally.

Speaking of almost being at Disneyland Paris, the weirdest thing happened. You may remember my friend who worked at Buffalo Bill’s in Paris called Francesca, well her friend Sammy’r who worked with her at Disney, went to school with her and lived with her in London was sitting on the bus two seats away from me. He recognised me as I’d met him once. If anything it really does prove that “it’s a small world after all!”

The French girls said they were going to the Pool at Patterson after work so I invited myself along and chilled from 12:30 to 1:00am. It was only half an hour but it felt so relaxing after work and it’s great to be able to be in the pool until that late and it not even be cold. The best bit was when Lydia told me that Myriam once said to a guest “Philharmagic is a 3D movie” and they thought she had said “Swedish movie” which was absolutely hilarious. A great day but also a sad realisation that I’ll be leaving Disney a month from today.

Walt Disney World ICP - Day 38 - Work again... - 10th July 2013
Pretty short entry for today. It was a pretty uneventful day at work though one guest I needed to use reflective captioning / closed captioning today which is where you position a small mirror in front of them and then subtitles are shown from the back of the theatre and reflected off the mirror for people who have hearing difficulties. I remember during training when Justine said that she’d only had it happen once in three years so I probably wouldn’t use it at any point. However, this is actually the second time this has happened this week! Just thought I’d mention it as it’s useful to know that Disney has this facility available for its guests at shows.

The night ended well as I was meant to be closing one of the attractions but instead I was actually put at the front of the castle at the Sleepy Hollow rope where I got to watch the entirety of the Main Street Electrical Parade whilst letting guests out of the castle but not letting anyone back into Fantasyland.

Next Post: Walt Disney World ICP - Day 39 - The Tiki, Tiki, Tiki Room - 11th July 2013

NEW: Want a peek behind the scenes working for Disney? Download my book about 16 months spent living and working at Disneyland Paris now on Amazon.


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