Disneyland Paris Interview Questions, the process, details and more - my experience

NEW: Download my book about 16 months spent living and working at Disneyland Paris now on Amazon.

I recently attended an interview for Disneyland Paris for one of the maintenance roles, not performing. So things such as working the shops, ticketing, hotels, guest flow, rides, etc. The interview was in London and in total I'd say there were around 40 people there.

We started off in the reception area where everyone was sitting silently which was very un-Disney-like and I sat in silence for about 10 minutes. We were then called into another room with chairs and a projector and sat down, being given an application form on the way in, all with a nice Disney background on the sheet.

We watched an intro video and were then given a quiz as an audience answering various questions about the Walt Disney Company and some prizes were given out; I got a Vinylmation (go me!) for answering almost all the questions :D (well, I do know my Disney stuff).

Then we continued watching the video and learned about the different roles available, about working at Disney and the accomodation. Accomodation is provided usually but they had none left for this particular Summer due to high recruitment.

Then we were told that interviews would be 20 minutes and we'd go in pairs to one of the recruiters, there were just 2 of them on that particular day. We then were told to organise ourselves in order so that those that had earlier trains could leave earlier and make them.

We then mingled around in our seats as people went for interviews in pairs, I say "we" mingled. About a third of us did, some just sat there in silence not talking to the person next to them which probably isn't the best thing to do. So I talked to the girl next to me and over the next hour or so we got on like a house on fire, sharing life stories and having fun, laughing - we really put each other at ease and people kept on asking if we knew each other to which she replied "no, we've just bonded!" which I guess was true and was actually really funny. It was as if we'd known each other for years and it put us in a great mood!

We opted to interview together, and when one of the interviewers came in asking who wanted to go next our hands went up to go together as if they were umbilically attached, along with the biggest smiles you've ever seen. We both went in excited and nervous but there was no need, the lady who interviewed us was lovely and as she was French, it was a great test of our own French.

The questions were all very much about: what would you like to do there, why, why would you like to work for us, then general details about us and our life. Experience is not really required and its not the most difficult interview in the world. I did not have actual work experience but the compulsory work experience from year 10 paid off, as did being involved in the Enterprise club as that showed I had certain skills.

The interview was like a fun chat and was about 10 minutes each although it flew by! The only question she asked me in English was to introduce myself and then asked if I was comfortable doing the rest in French which I said "pas de probleme" and we then chatted in French. There were a few words I didn't know in French and stumbled a couple of times but she didn't seem to mind, I also misheard a question but she rephrased it and I then understood.

If you work in a shop hours can start from 7am and finish any time up to 2am because you'll need the clean the shop and count all takings every night. Strong french is required for attractions where you will need to do a 5-day training and pass training to get the role. You'll need to know how to add vehicles, remove vehicles, emergency stop, start the ride, close the ride, inspect it, evacuate and more for attractions. [Added after working at Disney: Hours for rides can also start at 6.45am to 1am and restaurants too will finish late]

Pay works out at about 9 euros per hour and after accommodation costs which includes all bills you'll have about 200 euros a week for food and general living, maybe put some aside too. After all, you won't be going there to make money because realistically you won't be leaving with much saved up, but it's a fantastic experience, great for your CV and if you do put some aside - even better. As for the accommodation it's shared between 2, 4 or 6 people and you have transport to work every day even at 6am or 3am. [Added after working for Disney: you pay for this travel yourself but 75% is reimbursed]

You are on-site for 8 hours a day with a 1-hour lunch break so you are paid 7 hours. You work 5 days a week and you most likely won't have weekends off as those are the busiest times. You will do 3 days of initial training and more for the rides. No matter how long your contract you still do the training. Travel expenses are reimbursed up to 152 euros and they will repay 75% of the Paris travelcard if you commute from the Paris area or the residence.

They say you'll hear back within 10 days. The lady said my answers were perfect, my little work experience was great, and my language skills were good and kept saying "parfait" and said something along the lines of "I hope to see you there soon" and of course she'd need to discuss with her other colleague each application to be sure. So, I got very positive vibes and it would seem I got through, I just hope I did. The wait is killing me as I really want to go!

The only thing I am wondering now is if I put down my email address, I remember starting to write it but don't remember finishing it but my contact numbers are there so that should be fine. I want to email Disney about it but don't want to make myself sound silly so I'll guess I'll wait the 10 days and if I have nothing, I'll email them.

So Christmas 2011 or Summer 2012, *hopefully* here I come!

Update 30 June 2011: 9 days later and I am in! My first actual pass at a job interview! I was getting worried at the 9 day stage as I thought they'd forgotten about us. The way it works is that once you get through you are placed in a "talent pool" and when they find a contract that suits you, usually a month or two before your dates, they will contact you. Let's hope I get called back for Christmas 2011 or Summer 2012. Christmas would be better though!

Update 4 January 2012: I've started and now finished working at Disneyland Paris now for Christmas. Read the daily blogs here. Or the process before leaving here and here.

Update 18 September 2017
: I also worked for Disneyland Paris in 2014 and 2015 read about that here. I also worked at Walt Disney World in 2013 - read about that here.

Questions and Answers - including dress code here.

NEW: Want the inside scoop? Download my book about my 16 months spent living and working at Disneyland Paris now on Amazon.

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